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Corona Virus Update 23/02/2020

Following the government directive to close all gyms to help stop the transmission of COVID-19, Handsworth Grange Community Sports Centre will be closed until further notice.

What will happen to your membership?

Please be reassured that you won’t pay for your membership while we are closed. Your membership has been frozen and you do not have to do anything.

Your payment will be stopped immediately, there may be a delay for some members whilst your bank stops your Direct Debit collection.

The value of the remainder of your payment for March will be deducted from the first payment taken once our closure ends.

Thank you for your support and patience during this difficult time.

We will aim to provide members with useful links to online resources and videos that will help keep you active during this challenging time.

Keep safe and well – we can’t wait to welcome you back once it’s safe to re-open!

Handsworth Grange Community Sports Centre Team

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