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Covid-19 Reopening Plan

Dear Members,

We are pleased to announce that Handsworth Grange Community Sports Centre will be once again reopening its doors from Monday 27th July 2020. As you can imagine, there will be a number of procedures/expectations that we will be asking customers to follow in line with Government guidance.

The key changes can be seen below:


  • Visitors must enter through the main sports centre entrance nearest the sports centre car park, and exit via the side door of the sports centre (signage will be in place).

  • You will see a number of sanitisation stations dotted around the sports centre and gym. Please ensure that you use the provided sanitiser when entering the building, throughout your visit and on exiting the building.

  • In line with Government guidance, face masks are not compulsory in the sports centre or gym although we advise customers to wear one if possible for extra reassurance.

  • Avoid crossing demarcation lines in the sports centre reception area.

  • No changing facilities will be provided and only one accessible toilet will be in use both upstairs and downstairs.

  • Extra cleaning procedures will be in place to ensure high levels of hygiene standards in the building.

  • The water fountain will be taken out of action but the vending machine will remain in use.

  • The sports centre will not loan out any equipment for the foreseeable e.g. Badminton racquets/shuttlecocks.


  • Due to the size of our gym, we will be introducing a booking system for gym members with a maximum of 10 members at any one time allowed in the fitness suite. 45-minute slots will be allocated per person followed by 15 mins clean down by staff. WALK INS AND PAY-AS-YOU-GO CUSTOMERS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. Slots will be available on the hour during opening times. To book a slot, please either email us on or call 0114 254 2641 during opening hours. Only come into the sports centre if a member of staff has confirmed your booking. Slots can be booked for a maximum of 1 week in advance.

  • When booking a slot in the gym, members will be asked to provide a contact telephone number for track and trace purposes

  • Members should report to the reception desk on entering the sports centre to check-in. DO NOT ENTER THE GYM UNTIL STAFF TELL YOU TO.

  • The gym will close at 9pm to allow 30-minute clean down/close down of building.

  • The air-conditioning unit in the fitness suite must remain off. Instead all windows must be left open along with the main entrance door being propped open. The extraction fans will remain on at all times.

  • There will be 4 sanitiser/cleaning stations inside the gym.

  • Gym members should sanitise their hands and wipe down each individual piece of equipment before and after use.

  • Customers must not use any equipment that has been marked as out of use.


  • All lettings are to be reduced by 5 minutes to provide time to clean key contact points.

  • The lead contact for any lettings/bookings must collect a track and trace form from the reception and collate a list of details for ALL participants from within their group and hand back to reception on leaving the premises.

  • Lettings MUST follow their respective National Governing Body guidance. Staff will spot check lettings to ensure guidance is being followed. Any clubs/groups not following their respective guidance may be asked to leave.

Casual Badminton

  • Indoor badminton can restart from 25th July (we reopen on the 27th July).

  • If you are from the same household, you can:

- Play full court singles

- Play doubles using all areas of the court

- We recommend you do not change ends

  • If any players on the court are from different households:

- Only singles play is permitted but players must not play at the net in the forecourt area

- You play doubles unless each pair are from the same household. Unless both pairs are from the same household, players must not play at the net in the forecourt area.

- We recommend you do not change ends

Fitness Classes

  • Classes will reconvene W/C 3rd August once we are happy general procedures in the sports centre are working correctly.

  • Initially, only the Monday (Legs, Bums and Tums) and Wednesday (Zumba) classes will take place.

  • All classes will take place in the main school hall to allow extra social distancing space and better ventilation. Where the weather permits, the Leg, Bums and Tums class will take place outdoors.

  • A booking system will be introduced with a maximum of 12 participants allowed to each class. Classes will be open to both gym members and non-members but anyone wishing to take part MUST pre-book a place. To book a class, please either email us on or call 0114 254 2641 during opening hours. Only come into the sports centre if a member of staff has confirmed your booking.

  • When booking a slot in a class, members will be asked to provide a contact telephone number for track and trace purposes

  • Members should report to the reception desk on entering the sports centre to check-in. DO NOT ENTER CLASS UNTIL STAFF/THE INSTRUCTOR TELLS YOU TO.

We will closely monitor the new procedures to ensure customer/staff safety remains paramount, and amend any of the procedures where we feel necessary.

If you have any questions before visiting, please feel free to contact us via Facebook Direct Messaging, email ( or telephone 0114 254 2641.

We look forward to welcoming you all back.

Kind regards,

The Sports Centre Team

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